Workshop Technology


Agricultural and Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest scientific directions known and studied by a man. The laws of mechanics can explain patterns of most technique functioning and agricultural processes (from plowing and threshing). They enable to create machines, to optimize their work, to cut down energetic costs of the processes, to reduce friction and wear losses. This course is for the people who want to gain knowledge of the mechanics, agricultural constructions, projecting, production, use and service, technological

specific objectives

By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to :

  1. observe safety in the workshop
  2. adhere to safety rules and regulations as stipulated in the Factory's Act
  3. identify different clases of fire and mediums of extinguishing them
  4. describe the procedure for fire fighting
  5. identify various tools used in the workshop
  6. carryout marking out process on workpieces according to specifications

The learner will achieve this objectives by undertaking the folowing activities :

  1. read the lesson notes attached
  2. visit workshop for practicals
  3. attempt tutorial questions on the topics covered
  4. read further on the internet resources, library etc

This course is to equip You(the trainee) with scientific principles