Why Study the Programmme
To develop professionals with competences to carry out preventive and promotive health services in the community and capable of adapting to changing trends in the health care delivery systems.

Target Groups
Currently, there is only few institutions that offers Diploma in Community Health in Kenya. Thus, whereas the demand for Community health professionals by the labour market has continued to increase over the years, this has not been matched with training opportunities. This then implies that there is need for capacity building in the field of community health to enable the country and the region at large, respond effectively to deteriorating conditions that affect human health.
Programme Objectives

  1. Identify and prioritize community health needs and mobilize the community into action
  2. Plan, implement and evaluate appropriate environmental health programmes.
  3. Carry out disease surveillance and institute measures for prevention and control.
  4. Interpret and effectively enforce public health legislation and other laws related to public health.
  5. Vet building plans and supervise construction of buildings.
  6. Design waste management systems in rural and urban communities.
  7. Carry out food quality control.
  8. Design and implement water supply schemes and ensure its quality.
  9. Institute effective measures for the prevention and control of pests.
  10. Carry out sanitary inspection of various premises and advice on health requirements.
  11. Carry out research.
  12. Initiate comprehensive occupational health and safety programmes.
  13. Plan and implement immunization programmes.
  14. Institute effective environmental pollution control measures.
  15. To advice on health and environmental issues in relation to rural and urban planning and development.
  16. Observe professional ethics and demonstrate high sense of responsibility, initiative and efficiency in performance of his/her duties.